Actress and entrepreneur Sophie Ndaba, renowned for her role as Queen Moroka on Generations, recently shared emotional revelations about her childhood during an interview with Relebogile Mabotja.
Ndaba recounted her early years, marked by hardship, explaining how her father suffered from severe health issues, including kidney problems, leaving her mother as the family’s sole provider.
Born into financial struggles, she disclosed that her grandfather hailed from Zimbabwe. At just eight years old, she was sent to Harare to live with her older sister’s family.
While in Harare, she encountered a deeply unsettling situation. She remembered her grandmother’s advice against allowing men to cross boundaries, a warning that ultimately protected her.
Ndaba shared a disturbing memory of a man who repeatedly kissed her inappropriately, but her grandmother’s teachings helped her navigate the situation and avoid further harm.
Her troubles did not end there. She later moved to a children’s home, followed by a foster placement with a wealthy couple, where her suffering escalated.
Recalling her time with the foster family, Ndaba said she and two other children were subjected to cruel treatment, including sleeping on a concrete floor and bathing in cold water.
Despite the family’s wealth, she said they deprived her of basic needs, denying her lunch and leaving her bewildered by their heartless actions.
Ndaba described her foster mother as someone obsessed with appearances, keeping foster children to project an image of a perfect family.
The foster mother, unable to have her own children, used the arrangement to maintain her social facade and perhaps secure her marriage, Ndaba reflected.
During her time in foster care, her father visited her on Christmas. Noticing her frail condition, he questioned her, but she downplayed the situation, attributing it to sports activities.
Her father, however, saw through her explanation, recognizing her suffering. He eventually intervened and rescued her from the harsh environment.
Ndaba’s childhood experiences, filled with resilience and survival, have become a testament to her strength and determination to rise above adversity.
Today, she continues to inspire many, not only through her illustrious career but also by shedding light on the often