A devastating incident unfolded on Bulawayo Road at the Bradford turnoff, where a Toyota Mark X vehicle flipped multiple times, claiming two lives.
The accident took place at approximately 3:00 AM on January 12, 2025, as confirmed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police.
Three passengers were in the vehicle when it lost control, leading to the fatal overturn.
Tragically, two individuals perished instantly at the accident site, marking a somber moment for the community.
The deceased were transported to Parirenyatwa Hospital’s mortuary for post-mortem procedures to ascertain the cause of death.
Meanwhile, the two survivors of the crash were rushed to the hospital, where they are currently receiving necessary medical treatment.
The ZRP has initiated a thorough investigation to determine the factors that led to this heartbreaking accident.
Authorities are now emphasizing the importance of cautious driving, particularly at night, when road visibility is reduced.
Speed limits should be respected, and reckless maneuvers avoided to prevent such catastrophic events.
The police are diligently working to piece together the events of that fateful morning.
Details surrounding the crash are still emerging, with the ZRP committed to providing updates as the investigation progresses.
The community is left to mourn the loss of life and reflect on road safety measures.
The incident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of the road, especially under the cloak of night.
Authorities aim to enhance road safety protocols to avert future tragedies.
The investigation will look into vehicle condition, driver behavior, and possible road hazards.
This accident underscores the need for all road users to remain vigilant and responsible.
As the story develops, the police will continue to share findings with the public.
The focus remains on understanding the accident to prevent recurrence, ensuring the safety of all road users.