Prophet Walter Magaya, a prominent figure in Zimbabwean football, has been caught in a scandal involving a fake diploma from UNISA.
The diploma, claimed to be from the University of South Africa, was submitted to the High Court in an attempt to qualify for the ZIFA presidency.
Investigations led by journalist Maynard Manyowa of Dug Up uncovered that the marketing diploma presented by Magaya was indeed a forgery.
UNISA’s press office confirmed they have no records of Magaya as a student, invalidating his claims of being a UNISA alumnus.
“This effectively means that we do not have Mr. Magaya as a student of UNISA,” stated UNISA in a response to the investigation.
Magaya’s ambition to lead ZIFA was thwarted by the prerequisite of possessing an Ordinary Level certificate, which he lacked.
His attempt to bypass this with the forged diploma has now backfired, casting doubt on his integrity and educational background.
Magaya’s involvement in football for over two decades did not shield him from scrutiny over his academic credentials.
The revelation of this fraud could lead to legal repercussions under Zimbabwe’s Criminal Law, which punishes forgery severely.
Besides this scandal, Magaya had previously been reported to have received an honorary PhD from UNISA, a claim now under question.
His ownership of Yadah FC, a team in the Castle Lager Premiership, adds another layer to his public persona amidst this controversy.
This incident raises concerns about the verification processes for public figures in leadership roles in Zimbabwe.
With the authenticity of two additional diplomas Magaya presented still in question, his educational narrative is further unraveled.
The ZIFA presidency race now sees Magaya embroiled in a legal and ethical quagmire, with potential consequences looming over his football career and beyond.
The exposure of this academic deceit by a UK-based journalist signifies the reach of investigative journalism into Zimbabwean affairs.
As the legal system gears up to address this forgery, the public and football community await further developments in this unfolding drama.