A devastating accident unfolded on the Masvingo-Beitbridge Road, claiming two lives and injuring several others early Sunday.
The incident involved three buses, with a Rimbi Bus crashing into stationary vehicles, leading to a tragic outcome.
The sequence of events began when a Tombs Motorways bus hit a donkey, causing it to stop on the roadside.
While passengers were being moved to a nearby Mbokoto bus, the tragedy escalated as the Rimbi Bus plowed into the scene.
The Tombs bus had parked to manage the aftermath of the donkey collision, a common hazard on this notorious highway.
The Mbokoto bus, assisting with the transfer of passengers, was also caught in the disaster when the Rimbi bus struck.
This collision happened at the 197 km mark, a spot known for its narrow conditions and high traffic of buses.
The Rimbi Bus first impacted the trailer of the Tombs Motorways bus, then veered into the parked Mbokoto bus.
This chain reaction caused the immediate death of two individuals, with two others suffering injuries requiring hospital treatment.
The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the details of this grim accident, highlighting the dangers of this particular stretch of road.
Emergency services rushed to the scene, with the deceased taken to Beitbridge Hospital’s mortuary for examination.
The injured were admitted to the same facility, where they are receiving necessary medical attention.
This accident underscores the perilous nature of Zimbabwe’s highways, where livestock often wander into traffic.
The Masvingo-Beitbridge Road has been a focal point for numerous accidents, often involving buses due to its role as a key transit route.
Such incidents not only claim lives but also disrupt travel, affecting many who rely on these buses for cross-border journeys.
The presence of stray animals on highways continues to be a significant safety concern, demanding vigilant driving.
This accident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of road travel in regions with heavy livestock presence.
The community mourns the loss, while calls for better road safety measures and animal control intensify.
In the aftermath, families await further details, hoping for answers and justice for their loved ones.
The incident has sparked conversations about the need for infrastructure improvements and stricter livestock management near highways.
As investigations continue, this tragedy will likely fuel debates on enhancing safety for both commuters and wildlife.