A six-year-old child named Nothando Vurayayi from Beitbridge met a tragic end when she was electrocuted in front of ZETDC workers.
The incident occurred as ZETDC staff were conducting repairs at the child’s home, inadvertently creating a deadly hazard.
The workers connected an earth cable to a water tap, which Nothando and her friend approached to drink from, not knowing the danger.
Her friend attempted to save Nothando but was repelled by the electric shock and thrown against a fence.
Nothando’s mother, Ropafadzo Shoko, recounted the horrifying moment her daughter’s scream alerted her to the tragedy unfolding outside.
Ropafadzo described the scene where she found Nothando stuck to the tap, her fate sealed by the electrified water.
Despite the quick action of the workers to free her, Nothando was beyond help by the time she was detached from the tap.
She was rushed to a doctor, but the medical professional could only confirm what was already known: Nothando had passed away.
The ZETDC spokesperson, Alaina Suliwa, denied knowledge of the incident when questioned, indicating a possible communication gap within the company.
No representatives from ZETDC have visited the bereaved family to offer condolences or explanations post-accident.
The incident has left the community in shock, raising questions about safety measures during electrical repairs in residential areas.
Local residents are now more vigilant, fearing similar accidents might occur with routine maintenance work.
This tragedy underscores the potential dangers of electrical work, especially when it intersects with daily life in close-knit communities.
The lack of immediate response or acknowledgment from ZETDC has sparked discussions on corporate responsibility and safety protocols.
Nothando’s untimely death serves as a grim reminder of how quickly life can change with one misstep in safety procedures.
The incident has prompted calls for stricter oversight and better communication from utility companies regarding their operations.
Communal areas, especially those frequented by children, require special attention to prevent such heartbreaking accidents.
The community is rallying around the Vurayayi family during this time of immense grief, offering support and seeking justice for Nothando.
This event might lead to a review of how utility companies in Zimbabwe handle safety in public and residential spaces.
The absence of ZETDC’s follow-up leaves many in Beitbridge feeling neglected by those meant to serve and protect.
As the community mourns, there is a growing demand for accountability, transparency, and above all, preventive measures for future safety.